Oct 29, 2011

Agent Vinod flouts the law

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In fact, the city police have booked three crew cogeneration movie Saif Illuminati and Eros International.

The arrest of three members of the crew followed an apology by Saif, a leading actor and co-producer of the film. Saif Ali Khan came to me and apologized for the actions of the production staff, which damaged the site, drawing heritage of old walls and the use of cow dung to make it look bigger still shooting for the climax to the film Kuldhara.

He said that the tape drive will face prosecution and be fined in accordance Razhasthan monuments, archaeological sites and antiquities Act-1961 and to prevent damage to the Law on public property, "said Razhasthan tourism, the arts, culture and archeology of the Minister Bina Kak.

When contacted, Saif Ali Khan, said: "There was a misunderstanding created a very expensive and we thought that all permits production line told us why it is stupid to purposely destroy the property heritage ...."

According to both, the production company never received permission to shoot in the first place. Moreover, damaged the site and raised the structure according to their requirements are taken without permission. Kak said the state government will enable the production house Saif shoot at any location other than Kuldhara, provided a new call is made for this purpose.

Explaining the situation, Saif said, "Our line producer said that what we were allowed. We have created a total of ten days, and nobody told us anything. This is a huge amount, and then I want someone said something earlier and did not come to last minute. The whole of this transaction, we have lost a lot of money and time.

The whole idea is to stay within the law and had done nothing wrong. Binaji was a great help. He wants to make things happen properly, and that helped us gain elsewhere in the State Razhasthan. "

Saif, however, is not interested in shooting in the same position for longer. "You shoot elsewhere. The people of the cultural ministry was very helpful."

"Resolution of the shooting will be available to existing rules and regulations. The State Government will send a nodal officer to control the fire, so that historic structures in the process of change, "said Kak.

While Saif was sure to help, how should continue shooting in the area, the crew Rajnish Roy, Chandraprakash and local manager Tan Singh Bhati was booked at the police station Khoury. "There have been no arrests have been made yet. We took the camera, lighting and other power equipment manufacturing company.

We will release the captured material after completion of the investigation. The court must give its permission for the police as well, "said Deputy District Collector Swami.

Filmmakers preparing to shoot the climax of this company Sriram Raghavan directed to the historic site on the outskirts Kuldhara Zhaysalmer Wednesday. The director wanted to show Kuldhara a Pakistani village.

Art Director, in an attempt to hide the original yellow façade of stone is brown oil used, and filled with dirt between the layers of stone. This is not worn structure, but also cause irreparable damage to property inheritance.

"We have the highest respect for the cultural heritage of our country, and even clean up the beaches when they shoot there. Sometimes they get blamed for what other departments have done in the past, and I think that is an integral part of the project in India. Sometimes things go wrong, but it hurts knowing nothing, "said Saif.

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