Sep 4, 2011

Aamir, Salman, Shah Rukh mum on Lokpal issue?

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Your opinions count, but the Bollywood Khans - Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan - are on the safe side when it comes to a very sensitive subject Lokpal, a hot topic these days.

Aamir Khan, who tried to take a position on Narmada Bachao Andolan long ago made himself a political chaos. It is possible that these lessons from the past, Aamir Khan, he distances himself made a highly political and sensitive issues. It looks like this will remain, as if the actress, who is all over the place, if his films are on the verge of publication, it attracts into the safe zone, which is not much to tell.

Salman Khan, a renowned defender of "man" mantra is also not commented on his status and Lokpal Janlokpal Bill. He is only too happy and busy with his next release "bodyguard", and probably the media will be available when you enter Hazar feeling subsides. Call it a strategic movie if you can!

Many film personalities and analysts are of the opinion: "To each his own ... Aamir said the last time, and his film was banned in some parts of the country has experienced a Shah Rukh Khan brickbats and if the statements were made by some was not. To face serious consequences. If the players do not want to take position or an opinion, it is quite understandable that every word they speak, carefully. "

Shah Rukh Khan, on the other hand, said that like everyone else, he wanted for corruption-free India, but SRK also said that he did not know much about legal procedures and the judicial system, and thus could not provide in-depth view of the subject!

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