Nov 23, 2011

I’ve made some serious headway: Priyanka

Asian single women
Priyanka Chopra in this one-month stay in LA where he returned to his debut album. Farnando Garibay, Pete Wentz and singer Sam Watters manufacturers, such as the International Labor Defense, its foray into the world of music is going to Big Bang. Here the actress talks about her new album for the first time. Read more ...

How much of your album is done?It was very good for LA. I am writing and recording music with various producers and lyricists, has spent every day in the studio. It was a great learning experience and fun. I have some serious headway, but there is a long way to go before we are ready to release. All in all, it was a great start and I hope to share with the world of music.

Tell us a bit about the recording process?(Laughs) I do, where to start ... This, for me, a whole new ball game ... To be honest, I entered the booth was nervous the first few times, but I had the opportunity to work with some great talent, and they all helped me to find its legs.

Is there a routine you follow before you get into the vocal booth?It's okay. It's very creative. In particular, the song writers and music producers, and we sat down to penning songs and melodies, etc. Together, brainstorm about the track

You wrote your own songs..Yes, this visit is very creative, enriching experience for me and I never knew there were side up! Poetry and prose written in a while now, but I have to ... Other private sector. However, the song is different from writing your own thoughts and feelings that you have used, and so on. In this case, we will share the rest of the world, if we consider that it is in!
Did you do any vocal exericises etc? Singing is used by the body, like any other muscle, vocal tone when you are tired, they feel. Two voice coaches, India and the United States at the time of my work schedule permits. I can hear the singing voice, but also helped to encourage the development of very much because it's great. It's almost like going to gym ... My vocal tone (laughs), so that
Is your album rap, given that you are a fan of Hip-Hop and R&B ?Yes, I am hip-hop and R & B, and fans, but this is not something that I'm ... At least now!

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